• Prof. Marcin Górski z UŁ dyrektorem Łukasiewicz – ŁIT

Prof. Marcin Górski z UŁ dyrektorem Łukasiewicz – ŁIT

Following an open qualification procedure and a positive opinion of the Łukasiewicz Institute Council chaired by Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of the Lodz University of Technology, the President of the Łukasiewicz Centre appointed Prof. Marcin Górski as the Director of Łukasiewicz – Lodz Institute of Technology.

Prof. Marcin Górski

Dr hab. Marcin Górski, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz and legal counsellor, is a scientist and experienced manager. He has led teams of employees since 2006, and in the years 2012-2025 he was the director of the Legal Department of the City of Lodz Office. Professor Górski is the author of nearly 200 scientific publications, as well as a Fulbright scholarship holder at Fordham University in New York. He has also served as an ad hoc judge of the European Court of Human Rights since 2024. He is the University of Lodz Rector’s Representative for Legal Affairs.

The position of Deputy Director for Research at Łukasiewicz – ŁIT was assumed by Prof. Renata Żyłła, dr hab. in technical sciences, who has been working at the Institute for over 20 years and is the Director of the Centre for Circular Economy at Łukasiewicz – Lodz Institute of Technology.

Source: Łukasiewicz – Lodz Institute of Technology
Edit: Press Office, University of Lodz