
Łódź 30 March – 1 April 2023


Plenary speakers (in alphabetical order)

Anita Fetzer, University of Augsburg
“Doing things with discourse in the mediated political arena: Context, participation and pluralism of discursive action”
Mitchell S. Green, University of Connecticut
“Speech Acts through the Lens of Cultural Evolution”
Andrzej Łyda, University of Silesia
“Entangled in Life? How Threatening are Fictional Threats?”
Marina Terkourafi, Leiden University
“Speech-act-hood as a matter of degree: empirical motivations and theoretical implications”


General information

The Meaning, Context & Cognition meetings were initiated in 2011 as the first international conference in Poland subsuming COGNITIVE approaches to DISCOURSE SEMANTICS and PRAGMATICS. It is organized by the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics, University of Lodz, Poland.

MCC 2023 will focus on SPEECH ACTS and ACTIONS in their many theoretical and applied aspects. We particularly invite contributions addressing the sociopragmatic problems of:

  •     speech acts and actions – theoretical approaches (e.g., normativity, intention & convention, expression & function)
  •     free speech & hateful language
  •     utterances, discourse, conversational score
  •     context – the explicit-implicit distinction, the semantics-pragmatics interface
  •     applied speech acts: law, politics, media, anthropological linguistics, EFL teaching, intercultural communication, art, enhancing development and teachability of linguistic-pragmatic skills in bilingual and multilingual contexts, corpora, (other) LSPs, …
  •     language and emotion
  •     linguistic interfaces





Extended deadline for submissions: 26th February 2023

Abstract submission

Please e-mail your proposal to:

Abstracts should not be longer than 300 words. Please include your name, affiliation, and e-mail address. Abstracts will be double-blind reviewed and should include sufficient details to allow reviewers to judge the scientific merits of the work. Paper presentations will be allowed 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion. Presentations will be in English; the organizers also envisage a possibility of a session in Polish.

Participants without a paper are asked to e-mail their affiliation details.


Abstract submission table

Abstract submission deadline

26th February 2023

Notification of acceptance

28th February 2023

Early payment / registration

15th February 2023

Payment due

10th March 2023

Papers and post-conference publications

We are planning publishing selected papers in an edited volume with an international publisher and in special issues of an international linguistics journal.

Conference fee and other details

Conference participation (including conference materials, lunches, refreshments and a tour of Lodz):

Conference fee table

Early payment (by 15 Feb 2023)

Regular (after 15 Feb 2023)


250 Euros

270 Euros

Polish participants (Polish currency)

900 PLN

1000 PLN

Online participation 50 Euros

The payments:
Please make payments to the university bank account:
(NOTE: please remember to specify your name and the name of the conference – MCC 2023 – with the payment).
IBAN: PL 71 1240 6292 1111 0011 1933 3731
Bank Pekao S.A., II Oddział w Łodzi
Piotrkowska 270, 90-361 Łódź
Participants from Poland make payments in PLN


Book of Abstracts download


The conference is planned for two full days, March 30 (Thursday, noon) – 1 April (Saturday, afternoon) 2023. The conference will be held at the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz and the University Conference Centre (address: Kopcińskiego 16/18), which is circa 300 meters from the faculty.


We recommend booking a room in the University Conference Centre (Kopcińskiego 16/18), which is close to the faculty and which is going to be our venue for selected presentations. As it might be difficult to do it individually, please contact the organizers at – we will be happy to help.


For participants from Poland – additional financial information:
Osoby, które chcą otrzymać fakturę w trakcie konferencji, proszone są o dokonanie płatności przelewem najpóźniej do 20 marca 2023 i przesłanie danych do faktury na adres Przypominamy, że faktury wystawiane są na zleceniodawcę przelewu, nie jest zatem możliwe wystawienie faktury na uczelnię przy płatności przelewem z prywatnego konta bankowego innej osoby.

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REGISTRATION FORM is available here


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Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics

Institute of English Studies, University of Lodz, Poland

Address: Pomorska 171/173, 91-404 Łódź


Prof. Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka(Conference convenor)

Maria Szymańska (Conference secretary)

Izabela Grabarczyk (Conference secretary)

Prof. Przemysław Krakowian

Dr. Anna Jarosz

Dr. Anna Gralińska-Brawata

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