Diagnostic test specifying the level of knowledge of the foreign modern language

Dear students,


On 18 June 2021 the Senate of University of Lodz passed resolution No 206 stipulated the rules students should apply to learn modern foreign languages.

Pursuant to § 1 of the Act, graduate from the BA university courses offered by the University of Lodz should demonstrate the language skills indispensable in the fields under study, in compliance with the requirements specified for level B2 in the Common European Framework of References for Languages,

§ 2 stipulates that „Graduate from the MA university course as well as graduate of 5-year MA offered by the University of Lodz should demonstrate the language skills relative subject of study, corresponding with the requirements specified for B2 level +1 in the Common European Framework of References for Languages.”

§ 3 of the herein resolution provides information about the obligation to pass a placement test specifying the level of knowledge of the foreign modern language student is learning and indicates as relative. When a placement test scoring corresponds with the scoring reflecting the MA level (B2 for 5-year course law student may abandon the language course and take up to the final exam.” In such case student is obligated to choose the language course after passing the final exam:

– at the same language at a higher level,

– any other foreign language offered by Studium Języków Obcych (Foreign Languages Centre) at the University of Łódź at any level and no need to take up the exam at this language.

§ 6 of the resolution specifies that: ”Students who have no Polish citizenship and study at the University are not entitled to choose their native language or the official language in the country of their residence.”

Dean may excuse a foreign student from language classes if the student proves B 2 at the Polish command.”

To carry out the provisions of this resolution, we have prepared for you a diagnostic test, including six languages (English, German, French, Russian, Spanish and Italian). The tests are located at the university platform designed for distant learning (https://moodle.uni.lodz.pl) and entitled Test at … (language). To do the test, you should log in the platform and enroll appropriate course. The log in procedures may be conducted from any computer connected to the Internet with any searching engine. (Mozilla FireFox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrom)

After logging in on the platform, student should find appropriate course on the list of course, such as English Test. Then you will be asked to give the course access code. The access code will be the same as on the BHP (code available in the faculty office). Importantly, as each faculty has a different code it is forbidden to apply a code from a different faculty!



The tests are designed to diagnose language competences at A1, A2, B1, B2, B2+, respectively. Each test comprises 20 questions and only answer is correct. The time needed to do one test is 10 minutes! You may run for the test only once! The test should be begun at level A1. After scoring more than 70% of the correct answers it will be possible to pass to another test A2 and then to B1, B2, B2+successivly. Thus, the test comprises 100 questions divided into 5 levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, B2+. This is a progressive test, which means that if you fail to gain minimum70per cent at the specific level, or 14 scores at the specific level) , the successive level will not open. If successive questions turn out to be excessively difficult, we recommend you omit and stop doing the test. When you will finish the test or exceed its time limit, the scores are displayed and, depending on their number, the test at a higher level will be opened. The test scores are also available for faculty offices and language learning centers.

Attention! It is within your interest to do the test on your own and honestly as this will facilitate you to assess your language competencies and choose a correct language course. This, in turn, will determine your language level objectively only when it will be done independently and with no learning aids (dictionary, textbook and the like).

If your scoring classifies you as an A1 or A2 student, we recommend you to undertake appropriate steps to make up for any deficiencies. We suggest a direct contact with Studium Języków Obcych  ( Foreign Languages Centre) of the University of Łódź, where you will get any professional advice you may need,

To become exempted from the language course after passing the final exam at a minimum B2 level on the date determined by SJO and including elements of the specialist language for a specific university course obtain the right to choose this language at a higher level or the other language at any level (including the starter level), student should correctly respond to at least 70 per cent at B2 or B2+ level.

If your test score entitles you to abandon language classes (B2, B2+), ensure that your decision was thoughtful in this respect as this does not exempt you from the final exam at B2 or B2+ level and such exam includes elements of the specialist language for specific course. In this event, we also recommend you to contact Studium Języków Obcych UŁ (Foreign Languages Centre) 149/143 Pomorska St. 90-236 Łódź, Sekretariat ( Reception Desk) tel. 635-52-72 (Budynek Wydziału Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej – The building of Physics Faculty and Faculty of Applied Informatics )

Attention! Based on decision of the Didactic Commission dated as of 08 May 2014, since academic year 2014/2015 didactic test is obligatory for all full-time and part-time LA students who became students in the academic year. To enroll any language course class requires you to do such test first.

In the event of any technical problems related to handling the platform, you should contact helpdesk@uni.lodz.pl

After doing the test fill in the Attachment 1, which is
– the language choice declaration. The Declaration should be filled in by the students who declare no intent to abandon the obligatory language classes and immediately delivered to the competent faculty office. Based on this you will be allocated to specific language groups, including;

– declaration on sitting for the primary exam and choice of the second foreign language (Attachment 2). The Declaration should be made by the students who became exempted from the language course following the placement test score and declare intent to submit a declaration to be exempted from the language course and sit for the final exam (Attachment 5). Declaration should be sent to the SJO office (Foreign Languages Centre) on 17 January 2022 at the latest, based on this, you will be given the final examination date and allocated to the other language group;

– declaration on the other foreign language choice after completing the language course based on certificate (Attachment 3 – optionally). The Declaration is made by the students declaring their intent to ask the Faculty Dean to exempt them from the language course based on the international certificate they hold and also declare to attend the other foreign language course at any level.

Declaration should be sent to the SJO office on 17 January 2022 at the latest Based on this, you will be given the final examination date and allocated to the other language group;

Attention! Holders of the international certificate (Attachment to Resolution No 206 of the University Senate, dated as of 18 June 2021) are empowered to pass any foreign language course with no need to choose the other language (a motion to Faculty Dean should be submitted upon the consent of Studium Języków Obcych UŁ (Foreign Languages Centre) – Attachment 4).

Placement tests will be available for online learning on the University platform between 3 November 2021 and 20 December 2021.


Declaration on selecting a foreign language (Attachment 1)
📌 Declaration of taking the curriculum exam and selecting another foreign language (Attachment 2)
📌 Declaration on selecting another foreign language after obtaining credit for the language course on the basis of a certificate (Attachment 3)
📌 Application for the exemption from the final examination in a modern foreign language (Attachment 4)
📌 Application for consent to take the final examination in a foreign language and to attend a foreign language course in another language (Attachment 5)