Call for research assistants in the EUTERPE project!

Excellent job opportunity for Doctoral Candidates within the EU-funded project EUTERPE: European Literatures and Gender from a Transnational Perspective.

The aim of “EUTERPE: European Literatures and Gender from a Transnational Perspective” is to offer an innovative approach to rethinking European cultural production in the light of complex social and political negotiations that are shaping European spaces and identities at present. EUTERPE intends to do that by bringing together gender and transnational perspectives within an interdisciplinary approach to literary and cultural studies.

EUTERPE proposes to train and supervise 11 DCs in interdisciplinary, transnational, gender focused literary studies.

Admission to the program is open to applicants who hold a 2nd Level Master Degree or a Single Cycle Degree earned in the fields of Literature/ Cultural Studies/ Religion/ Art Studies/ Ethnic Studies or similar.

More information available here.

The deadline for submitting offers is December 15, 2022.