Ostatnia szansa na szkolenie z ekspertami z Florencji!

Możliwość wzięcia udziału w szkoleniu “Building communications, bridging capacity”, które w Uniwersytecie Łódzkim przeprowadzą eksperci z Europejskiego Instytutu Uniwersyteckiego we Florencji.

Szanowni Państwo,

zapraszamy na szkolenie “Building communications, bridging capacity”, które w Uniwersytecie Łódzkim przeprowadzą eksperci z Europejskiego Instytutu Uniwersyteckiego we Florencji. Ze względu na ciągle wolne miejsca otwieramy szeroko możliwość zapisania się na szkolenie pierwotnie dedykowane osobom zajmującym się promocją w administracji i pełnomocnikom do spraw promocji.

Zapisy obowiązują do dzisiaj (piątek), a dwudniowe szkolenie dobędzie się w poniedziałek i wtorek 25 i 26.11. 

Szkolenie jest podzielone na dwie części:
1) 25 listopada od 14.00 do 17.30;
2) 26 listopada od 9.00 do 12.30.

Miejsce: Wydział Prawa i Administracji UŁ, ul. Kopcińskiego 8/12 w Łodzi, sala 1.04. 

Szkolenie będzie dotyczyć tego, w jaki sposób zorganizować komunikację nauki, zarówno wewnątrz uniwersytetu, jak i na zewnątrz. Poznamy sprawdzone rozwiązania i konkretne przykłady. 
Ze szczegółowym opisem szkolenia można zapoznać się poniżej.

Szkolenie jest częścią projektu długofalowej współpracy z Europejskim Instytutem Uniwersyeckim w ramach programu “Widening Europe” i jest skierowane do osób pragnących zwiększyć swoje kometencje w zakresie komunikacji naukowej. 

Rejestracja na szkolenie polega, na założeniu konta i zarejestrowaniu się w systemie EUI.

Rejestracja -> https://apps.eui.eu/EventRegistration/Home/Login?eventId=574432 

Udział w szkoleniu jest bezpłatny.

Szkolenie odbędzie się w pełni w języku angielskim.

Opis szkolenia

Short Teaser: 
In a landscape saturated by visual and written contents, often mined with disinformation, universities struggle to promote their visibility, build their reputations, and channel their research outputs in much needed, and sound knowledge dissemination.  

This training offers the EUI’s know-how on research communications to colleagues at the University of Łódź. A team of communications professionals from the EUI will share their recent experience of developing a systematic approach to research communications, working with the colleagues to brainstorm, to question challenges and needs, and ultimately to envision a path towards creating a modus operandi to embedding more research outputs in the university’s overall communications efforts.  


  • Jessica Carter is EUI Research Team Leader. She has extensive training experience in the field of communications, including as guest lecturer at the university level. A former journalist, she led the launch of the research communications function at the EUI. She is also a certified mindfulness teacher and expert in mindful communication. 
  • Soraya Binetti is EUI Communications Officer. She played a key role in setting up a research comms function at the EUI. She has experience in delivering short trainings on social media and online communications tools, as well as expertise in interdepartmental coordination for communications.  
  • Beatriz Carvalho is EUI Communications Assistant and is responsible for EUI Widening Programme communications. A native of a Widening country, Beatriz has experience in delivering short trainings on measuring impact through data gathering and analytics, as well as on social media tools and planning.

Background and description of training: 

The EUI Communications Service has recently developed a systematic approach to research communications, creating a modus operandi to embed research outputs in its overall communications efforts. This is in line with sector trends, and the need to put forth research in a time of disinformation, as well as to use the research excellence to promote the programs and the reputation of the university. 
This training seeks to gather the best of the lessons learnt and to offer them in the context of the EUI’s strategic objective of bridging the capacity gap across Europe. 
The trainings would comprise four sessions, weaved with peer-learning and light team building activities: 
1) a reflection on the meaning of research communications, both broadly and in the context of the hosting university; 
2) a reflection on what the University of Łódź does well in research communications, and what its challenges are; 
3) a solutions workshop to envision what can be done to address challenges, with peer-learning based on the EUI’s experience (including insights on internal coordination and tools);  
4) an action plan workshop to build a first foundation for steps forward. 
Learning Outcomes: 

  • better understanding and clarity of what research communications is in general, and in particular for the host institution, and its importance in today’s communications landscape; 
  • better understanding and clarity of the host institution’s strengths and challenges in research communications; 
  • a refreshed outlook of solutions and actions towards setting up, or bettering, the modus operandi of research communications; 
  • a refreshed outlook on the use and importance of tools in a research communications operation. 

Structure of the training: 

The training is structured in two half days, held in person, with sessions divided by the four elements listed above in the training description. The trainers will use a mix of reflection and brainstorming sessions, group sharing, solutions and actions workshops, as well as peer learning based on the EUI’s experience. The training will be weaved with light team building activities. 

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