dr Joanna Bednarska-Rydzewska
Works at: Department of German Literature
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr Łukasz Berezowski
Works at: Department of Italian Studies
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Maria Berkan-Jabłońska
Works at: Department of Romantic Literature and Tradition
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Małgorzata Bielecka
Works at: Student Services Office
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr Michalina Biernacka
Works at: Department of Applied and Cultural Linguistics
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr Łukasz Biskupski
Works at: Department of Cultural Studies
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Ija Blumental
Works at: Department of Linguistics
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Anna Bobińska
Works at: Department of Romance Linguistics
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Tomasz Bocheński
Works at: Department of 20th-and 21st-Century Polish Literature
Unit: Faculty of Philology
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prof. dr hab. Łukasz Bogucki
Works at: Department of Translation Studies and Language Pedagogy
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Ewa Bojanowska
Works at: Department of Translation Studies and Language Teaching
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr Artur Borowiecki
Works at: Department of Film and Audio-Visual Media
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Dariusz Bralewski
Works at: Department of Romance Languages Translation Studies
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Zofia Brzozowska
Works at: Department of Slavic Philology
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil -
dr Alina Brzuska-Kępa
Works at: Department of Information, Library and Book Science
Unit: Faculty of Philology
Zobacz profil