University of Lodz joined UNIC, one of 50 alliances of European Universities in 2022.
European Universities are transnational alliances that will become the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity, and revolutionising the quality and competitiveness of European higher education. They will do so by joint implementation of innovative solutions in the field of education and science and deep institutional integration.
The Alliance focuses on the challenges faced by post-industrial cities, the role of universities in their transition and building the potential of cities in key areas such as:
- inclusion,
- superdiversity,
- sustainability,
- social influence,
- mobility.
In 2023. UNIC entered the next phase of the Alliance, which resulted, among other things, in modification of its name.
UNIC 2.0 (European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition) is a continuation of the cooperation started under the UNIC (European University of Post-Industrial Cities) Alliance. It is an alliance of 10 universities working together to advance education and support engaged research, geared towards working with post-industrial cities. The new Alliance covers activities from 2023 to 2027.
See the joint vision of UNIC2040, i.e. the joint vision of the European University that is to operate after the end of the project.
UNIC (European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition)
The objective of the Alliance is to:
- strengthen the internationalisation of universities through the implementation of joint activities aimed at the university and local communities;
- give a new form to the institutional cooperation.
We have been working intensively on activities in four key areas of higher education: education, research, innovation and activities for society. We want to deepen, intensify and increase the effectiveness of this cooperation.
See how unique UNIC is!
The UNIC (European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition) Alliance is currently made up of 10 partner universities, including:
- Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands) – Coordinator
E: - University of Deusto (Spain)
E: - Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)
E: - University College Cork (Ireland)
E: - Koç University (Turkey)
E: - University of Liège (Belgium)
E: - University of Oulu (Finland)
E: - University of Zagreb (Croatia)
E: - University of Lodz (Poland)*
E: - Malmö University (Sweden)*
*universities that joined the Alliance in 2022
Each university offers unique opportunities – both linguistic and academic ones – that can benefit all those working, studying and pursuing a doctorate at the University of Lodz. What should you know about the partner universities?
- Developing European cooperation in education and research: involving students, doctoral students and those working at UNIC partner universities in building closer and more effective inter-university cooperation in Europe. We will do so by building partnerships and joint, innovative educational and scientific projects.
- Embracing diversity: identifying and understanding differences and using them for the benefit of all. To achieve this goal, UNIC will use educational excellence and research experience of the universities that make up the Alliance.
- Developing post-industrial cities and taking up challenges to level the impact of negative social and economic trends: creating new solutions for regions within the UNIC Alliance and tackling the real challenges these regions face.
- Strengthening mobility: creating opportunities for all students, doctoral students and employees to participate in mobile educational and research activities. We want to develop and expand inclusive forms of mobility: online courses, UNIC virtual courses, UNIC open courses, Blended Intensive Programme that will enable the exchange of study, work and research experiences for a wider range of students, doctoral students and those doing research or teaching work within the UNIC Alliance.
What will UNIC change for students and doctoral students of the University of Lodz?
- A Virtual Campus (VC) will be created – the virtual campus will be a space where students and doctoral students at all 10 UNIC partner universities will find information on, among other things, microcredentials (confirmations of learning outcomes achieved as part of a short educational experience, e.g. a course or training), mobility offers, research programmes and internships. Virtual Campus is to present various possible forms of mobility for students, doctoral students and employees.
- UNIC Student Board – a student council made up of student representatives from the 10 partner universities. The council's role is to represent the interests of students and doctoral students of universities that make up the UNIC Alliance and to actively participate in the implementation of the Alliance's objectives. At the University of Lodz, the UNIC Student Board is made up of regularly selected Student Representatives. Get to know the UNIC Students Board
- The UNIC Ambassador Programme at the University of Lodz – an initiative thanks to which we promote UNIC to the university community and encourage students to get involved in the alliance's activities. The programme involves the election of UNIC Ambassadors at each Faculty of the University of Lodz and their main task is to create a student community of the UNIC European University.
What will UNIC change for the employees of the University of Lodz?
- Closer and more effective inter-university cooperation in Europe by building partnerships and conducting joint, inter-university educational and scientific projects.
- Extended virtual mobility offer.
- UNIC Thematic Conferences – an opportunity to participate in conferences as part of the activities of the Thematic Lines teams.
- UNIC Faculty Roundtables – an opportunity to participate in meetings related to the 7 thematic lines.
This package includes building a cooperation structure for managing the UNIC project and co-creating and strengthening Joint Vision 2040, i.e. the joint vision of the European University that is to operate after the end of the project. This package focuses on the creation of management units represented by representatives from the 10 UNIC partners.
As part of WP1, the following will be created:
- UNIC Leadership Board
- UNIC Management Board
- UNIC Student Board
- UNIC Council
- UNIC Headquarters
- UNIC Campus
- UNIC Student Learners Forum
Our objectives:
- Refine the joint vision UNIC2040 and build an engaged community around this challenge.
- Create a coherent and systemic governance structure for UNIC, including co-designing project management plans with key internal and external UNIC stakeholders.
- Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the UNIC programme.
- Share transformational practices with other higher education representatives.
The role of WP1 Leader at the University of Lodz is held by Anna Rolczak, Deputy Chancellor of the University of Lodz.
The package focuses on strengthening mobility of students and employees as well as developing innovative and flexible approaches to learning and mobility with inclusion and diversity in mind.
As part of WP2, the following will be created:
- UNIC Teaching and Learning Centre
- Educational Innovation Fund
- My UNIC Experience – Enhancing Students Mobility and Exchange in UNIC
- UNIC Teaching the Teachers Training – a series of training courses for academic staff on innovative teaching methods (Challenge-Based/Impact-Based Learning and Teaching), teaching in an international environment and on UNIC priority themes such as sustainability, forms of mobility, inclusion.
- UNIC Ambassadors
Are you already familiar with the UNIC Handbook on Physical and Virtual Mobility?
Watch the video about the UNIC Handbook on Physical and Virtual Mobility!
The role of WP2 Leader at the University of Lodz is held by Dr hab. Aleksandra Orpel, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Lodz.
The WP3 tasks are intended to enable the UNIC community to engage with cities, communities and all interested parties to introduce innovations related to the transition of cities and to highlight and visualise the social impact on the integration of residents with the city.
WP3 integrates education, research and innovation, and activities for society as the core areas of activity of universities, providing common infrastructure and connecting these areas; develops structured collaborative models and integrates complementary learning and research opportunities involving the city.
As part of WP3, the following will be created:
UNIC Centre for City Futures (as part of the UNIC campus) – is to enable the universities that make up the Alliance to collaborate with cities, communities and stakeholders for transformational innovation. It is also to bring science and research to cities and make it accessible to communities, and to integrate the needs of cities and communities into university science and research.
The role of WP3 Leader at the University of Lodz is held by Dr Małgorzata Dzimińska, Assistant Professor, Department of Labour and Social Policy, Faculty of Economics and Sociology and a member of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) and the European Higher Education Society (EAIR).
This package focuses on building and strengthening cooperation between the administrative units of the partner universities. As part of the WP4 Package, Expert Groups have been established. They are made up of representatives of all 10 universities and bring together specialists dealing with international mobility, support for scientists in the development of their scientific work and in applying for grants, IT support, promotion and communication, university community inclusion and diversity, annd language training.
As part of WP4, the following will be created:
- UNIC Capacity Building Centre
- UNIC Superdiversity Community
- UNIC Plurilingualism policy
The role of WP4 Leader at the University of Lodz is held by Katarzyna Pardyka, Deputy Head of International Hub at University of Lodz
Existing Expert Groups within the Alliance cover:
- International Office (student support) – Dorota Jachimek
- Research (support) – Joanna Korczyńska oraz Ewelina Wronka
- IT Services – Jakub Baraniak
- Diversity and inclusion office – Dr Katarzyna Liberska – Kinderman
- Language Centres
- Promotion and Communication – dr Bartosz Kałużny
WP5 is a cross-cutting package of tasks that is to promote greater commitment and responsibility for the UNIC activities on the part of faculties, research staff, students and doctoral students. WP5 is to build a network of contacts around 7 thematic lines bringing together scientific and teaching staff, as well as students and doctoral students, to develop joint educational and research initiatives.
Within the 7 thematic lines, teams made up of representatives from the 10 partner universities will be formed. They will work together as a community focusing on the themes of:
- Superdiversity
- Sustainability and Green Cities
- Urban resilience and smart cities
- Justice, security & institutions
- Entrepreneurial learning for innovation
- Health & wellbeing
- Arts, Culture and Creativity
At the same time, the WP5 team will, on the basis of ongoing activities, identify, establish and ensure the sustainability of new thematic lines, if they need to be created.
As part of WP5 the following will be created:
- UNIC Thematic Line Communities
- UNIC Roundtable Conferences
The role of WP5 Leader at the University of Lodz is held by Marta Jeżykowska, Specialist at International Hub of University of Lodz
WP6 focuses on communication and promotion activities in the Alliance and brings together promotion specialists from partner universities to work on a unified communication strategy across the UNIC Alliance. WP6 experts support the activities carried out as part of the remaining WPs.
The role of WP6 Leader at the University of Lodz is held by Dr Bartosz Kałużny, Photographer and senior specialist at Communications and PR Centre of the University of Lodz.
The Work Packages provide structures, strategies and cooperation models, while the Thematic Lines provide content to enable the implementation of WPs.
The development of Thematic Lines (TLs) is a key innovation to encourage additional commitment to the UNIC activities. The TLs are new collaborative structures designed to orient the relationships between the faculties of our universities around specific areas of post-industrial transition.
The TLs bring together the academic community of UNIC universities around 7 themes:
- Superdiversity
- Sustainability and Green Cities
- Urban resilience and smart cities
- Justice, security & institutions
- Entrepreneurial learning for innovation
- Health & wellbeing
- Arts, Culture and Creativity
How do the TLs work?
- Referring to the main objectives of the UNIC Alliance, each Thematic Line focuses on a specific aspect of post-industrial transition. The diversity of subject lines will help UNIC ensure the commitment of researchers, scientists and students from different faculties of the partner universities.
- Thematic Line can engage with UNIC's core activities under WP2 (education), WP3 (commitment) and WP4 (university cooperation). All the TLs are supported as part of WP5. They will also be supported by other WPs based on the specific tasks and outputs they engage in.
- Tasks and deliverables which a given Thematic Line is involved in will be defined in the action plan by each TL.
- Each Thematic Line team is composed of representatives from all UNIC universities, and each team includes representatives from at least two UNIC partner universities.
At the University of Lodz, the representatives on the TL teams include:
- TL 1 Superdiversity – Dr Aleksandra Różalska (Faculty of Philology)
- TL 2 Sustainability and Green Cities – Dr hab. Dominik Drzazga (Faculty of Management)
- TL 3 Urban resilience and smart cities – Dr Karolina Dmochowska-Dudek (Faculty of Geographical Sciences)
- TL 4 Justice, security & institutions (University of Lodz is the Coordinator of this TL) - Dr Izabela Florczak (Faculty of Law and Administration)
- TL 5 Entrepreneurial learning for innovation – Dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska, Associate Professor (Faculty of Economics and Sociology)
- TL 6 Health & wellbeing – Dr hab. Aneta Balcerczyk, Associate Professor (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)
- TL 7 Arts, Culture and Creativity – Dr hab. Aneta Pawłowska, Associate Professor (Faculty of Philosophy and History)
The UNIC Ambassador Programme at the University of Lodz is an initiative thanks to which we promote UNIC among the university community and encourage students to get involved in the activities of the alliance. The programme involves the election of UNIC Ambassadors at each Faculty of the University of Lodz and their main task is to create a student community of the UNIC European University.
We completed the call for the first edition of the programme in November 2023. The UNIC Ambassadors at the University of Lodz in the academic year 2023/2024 were students Julita Maciejewska and Rumbidzai Hodzonge.
Recruitment for the second edition of the programme is scheduled for November/December 2024.
Senior Specialist at the International Hub, University of Lodz. In the UNIC project: the Project Manager and WP1 Leader: Creating a Truly European, Systemic and Self-sustaining Structure for the Governance of UNIC. She supports WP2 Leader in the implementation of the project objectives.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Labour and Social Policy at the University of Łódź, Poland. She is a member of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) and the European Higher Education Society (EAIR).
In the UNIC project: WP3 Leader: Engaging with Cities, Communities and Stakeholders for Transformative Innovation and Societal Impact.
Specialist at the International Hub, University of Lodz. In the UNIC project she is the Junior Project Manager and WP5 Leader: Building Communities of Researchers and Educators around Post-Industrial Transitions. She support WP6 Leaders in the implementation of the project objectives.
Assistant Professor at the Sub-department of City Management, Department of City and Regional Management, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz, expert in the University of Lodz Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Studies.
In the UNIC project: TL2 Leader: Sustainability and Green Cities.
Vice-Dean for International Relations and Projects at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Head of Postgraduate Studies “Legal and Social Aspects of Foreign Citizens Functioning in Poland”, Assistant Professor at the Sub-department of Social Security Law and Social Policy
In the UNIC project: TL4 Leader: Justice, security & institutions and TL4 Coordinator for the entire Alliance.
Vice-Dean at the University of Lodz Faculty of Philosophy and History, Head of the Department of History of Painting and Sculpture at the Institute of History of Art at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, President of the University's Commission for Academic Degrees in the Disciplines of Cultural and Religious Sciences and Art Sciences.
In the UNIC project: TL7 Leader: Arts, Culture and Creativity.
Deputy Director of the Urban Activity Office in the Department of Strategy and Development of the City of Lodz Office She is an economist, an urban planner. She has been associated with Lodz local government for six years. Agata Burlińska is involved in the coordination of revitalisation projects, organisation of citizen panels, participatory design. She is responsible for the Lodz Civic Budget since 2020.
In the UNIC project: a representative of the City of Lodz.
Have you attended an interesting workshop as part of UNIC? Would you like to share your impressions? Write to us:
Would you like to know more about UNIC? Visit the website of the Alliance!
UNIC Fund for Virtual and International Educational Projects supports virtual joint international educational activities across UNIC university partners. This fund aims to incentivize faculty members of UNIC universities to include virtual collaborative international educational activities (Virtual/Blended Exchange) into the regular curriculum (e.g. within existing or new courses).
UNIC Expert Voices Fund aims to enhance dissemination activities of UNIC Alliance initiatives by promoting and sharing knowledge and best practices beyond the UNIC Alliance community.
The UNIC Expert Voices Fund provides UL academic, professional staff and students with mobility grants to attend conferences, trainings, or workshops, where they can disseminate the results of collaboration with UNIC alliance partners.
We are glad that you are interested in the UNIC Student Board programme! By representing the University of Lodz, you have a real impact on shaping the UNIC European University and creating a structure that is friendly to all students, which enables development and access to knowledge within the alliance of 10 universities.
How does it work?
The UL Representative:
- actively takes part in Student Board meetings,
- carries out the tasks assigned by the Student Board,
- participates in trips and gains experience in the international student government environment (travel expenses covered),
- attends various events, appears in the university's social media and is involved in various marketing projects that promote UNIC,
- maintains regular communication with representatives of the UNIC Office.
By representing the UL in the UNIC Student Board, you help the academic community get the latest news, learn about exciting initiatives and build stronger international relationships. The UL Representative in the UNIC Student Board may be: a full-time bachelor’s degree student of the UL, starting from the second year, a full-time master’s degree student of the UL, starting from the first year, a full-time uniform master’s degree student, starting from the second year.
It is crucial to meet the abovementioned conditions, be active in the life of the university, for example, through activities in student associations, scientific or other groups, and be able to navigate the social media environment.
Additionally, if:
- your English level (min. B2) enables you to communicate freely and understand the topics discussed at UNIC Student Board meetings,
- you are easy to communicate with and have no problem maintaining relationships,
- you are decisive in your actions,
- you are willing to participate in international meetings (online and in person) and trips
… we will have a great time working together!
What do we offer in return for your commitment?
- remuneration of PLN 800 gross per month,
- exciting experience before starting your career: participating in trips, gaining experience in an international student government environment and participating in a major international project,
- covered travel expenses, including those abroad,
- a certificate of ambassadorial activities at UNIC for the University of Lodz, which may be valuable to your future employer
- and, of course, a package of UNIC gadgets.
- First, read the rules and regulations of the Student Board Representative programme - edition implemented in the 2024/2025 academic year. There you can find the rules of participation in the recruitment.
- hen, register using the form and wait to hear from us!
- We are waiting for applications until 31 October 2024.
What to expect during the recruitment meeting?
- We would love to learn why you are the perfect candidate for a Student Board Representative.
- We will ask about your involvement in past student projects.