Files to download
Files to download
Files to download
Files to download
Files to download
Files to download
- Institute of English Studies - logotypes
- Department of English Drama, Theatre and Film - logotypes
- Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics - logotypes
- Department of Corpus and Computational Linguistics - logtypes
- Department of English and General Linguistics - logotypes
- Department of British Literature and Culture - logotypes
- Department of North American Literature and Culture - logotypes
- Department of Pragmatics - logotypes
- Department of Translation Studies and Language Pedagogy - logotypes
Files to download
- Institute of German Philology - logotypes
- Department of German Linguistics and Translation Studies - logotypes
- Department of Specialised Linguistics and Language Teaching - logotypes
- Department of German Literature - logotypes
- Department of German Media and Austrian Culture - logotypes
- Department of German Studies
Files to download
- Institute of Polish Philology and Logopaedics - logotypes
- Department of Polish Dialectology and Logopaedics - logotypes
- Department of Polish Language and Literature Teaching - logotypes
- Department of History of Polish Language - logotypes
- Department of Applied and Cultural Linguistics - logotypes
- Department of Old Literature, Editing and Auxiliary Sciences - logotypes
- Department of Romantic Literature and Tradition - logotypes
- Department of 20th-and 21st-Century Polish Literature - logotypes
- Department of Literature of Postitivism and Young Poland Period - logotypes
- Department of Contemporary Polish Language - logotypes
Files to download
- Institute of Romance Studies - logotypes
- Department of Italian Studies - logotypes
- Department of Romance Linguistics - logotypes
- Department of Applied Linguistics and Romance Languages Teaching - logotypes
- Department of Romance Literary Studies - logotypes
- Department of Romance Languages Translation Studies - logotypes