Nabór wniosków o Medal Universitas Lodziensis Alumno Laude Dignissimo dla studentów i doktorantów

The University of Lodz Vice-Rector for Popularisation of Science and Education announces the call for applications for the Universitas Lodziensis Alumno Laude Dignissimo Medal and a distinction for students and doctoral students for their activities for the University of Lodz. The call for applications will run until 31 March of the current year. Applicants for the Medal should demonstrate outstanding organisational or scientific and research activities for the benefit of the University of Lodz for a period of at least 3 years, and applicants for the distinction – for a period of at least one year.

Rules of the call

Filled in, signed and scanned applications for the Universitas Lodziensis Alumno Laude Dignissimo Medal or distinction, along with attachments, should be sent via e-mail to the following e-mail address: The call will run until 31 March 2025. Applications, along with attachments, must be sent from the e-mail address assigned to the student who is applying for the distinction profile in the USOSweb system.

Information for students applying for the Medal

A student applying for the Medal should actively work for the benefit of the University of Lodz for a minimum period of 3 years.

The application for the Medal should include:

  • personal data: first name and last name, name of the faculty where the candidate is studying, album number,
  • a list of activities for the benefit and interest of the community of the University of Lodz or scientific achievements,
  • an opinion of the Dean of the faculty of the University of Lodz where the student is studying,
  • justification for awarding the medal in relation to the demonstrated activities or scientific achievements,
  • other documents confirming the demonstrated activities or scientific achievements, such as: opinions, certificates or photocopies of the first pages of scientific publications.

Information for students applying for the distinction

The distinction may be applied for by students of the University of Lodz who have demonstrated organisational or scientific-research activities for and in the interest of the University of Lodz. Only activities undertaken during the period of education and scientific achievements affiliated with the University of Lodz are taken into account. Persons applying for the distinction should actively work for the University of Lodz for a period of at least one year.

The application for the distinction should include:

  • personal data: first name and last name, name of the faculty, album number,
  • a list of activities for the benefit and interest of the community of the University of Lodz or scientific achievements,
  • an opinion of the Dean of the Faculty of the University of Lodz where the student is studying,
  • justification for conferring the distinction in relation to the demonstrated activities or scientific achievements,
  • other documents confirming the demonstrated activities or scientific achievements, such as: opinions, certificates or photocopies of the first pages of scientific publications.

Attachments for students:


Information for those pursuing a PhD degree and applying for the Medal

A person pursuing a PhD degree and applying for the Medal should actively work for the University of Lodz for a period of at least 3 years.

The application for the medal should include:

  • personal data: first and last name, name of the faculty or doctoral school, album number
  • a list of activities for the benefit and interest of the community of the University of Lodz or scientific achievements
  • an opinion of the Dean of the Faculty of the University of Lodz where the supervisor is employed in the case of doctoral school participants, and in the case of doctoral students – an opinion of the supervisor supported by the Director of the doctoral school
  • justification for awarding the medal in relation to the demonstrated activities or scientific achievements
  • other documents confirming the demonstrated activities or scientific achievements, such as: opinions, certificates or photocopies of the first pages of scientific publications.

Information for those pursuing a PhD degree and applying for the distinction

The distinction may be applied for by individuals pursuing a PhD degree at the University of Lodz, who have demonstrated organisational or scientific-research activities for and in the interest of the University of Lodz. Only activities undertaken during the period of education and scientific achievements affiliated with the University of Lodz are taken into account. Those who apply for the distinction should actively work for the University of Lodz for a period of at least one year.

The application for the distinction should include: 

  • personal data: first and last name, name of the faculty or doctoral school, album number,
  • a list of activities for the benefit and interest of the community of the University of Lodz or scientific achievements,
  • an opinion of the Dean of the Faculty of the University of Lodz where the supervisor is employed in the case of doctoral school participants, and in the case of doctoral students – the opinion of the supervisor supported by the Director of the doctoral school,
  • justification for conferring the distinction in relation to the demonstrated activities or scientific achievements,
  • other documents confirming the demonstrated activities or scientific achievements, such as: opinions, certificates or photocopies of the first pages of scientific publications.

Attachments for those pursuing a PhD degree: