• „Dzienniki podróży metaversalnych” – wyjątkowy performans na finał rezydencji „Kryzys technologii”

„Dzienniki podróży metaversalnych” – wyjątkowy performans na finał rezydencji „Kryzys technologii”

The performance serves as a creative expression of the experiences of artists Anna Kamińska, Agata Jędrzejczak, and Zuzanna Kasprzyk during their month-long exploration of virtual reality (VR) worlds.

Attendees will discover what surprised and disappointed the artists as users of VR technology, hear their reflections and aspirations, and gain insights and recommendations for designers of virtual environments.


"Metaversal Travel Diaries" – The Finale of the "Technology Crisis " Residency
Date: Thursday, 12 December 2024, 5:00 PM
Venue: Faculty of Management, University of Lodz
Address: Jana Matejki 22/26, 90-237 Łódź (Lecture Hall 0)
Admission: Free

The residency, part of the project "Performative Research in Face of Civilizational Challenges", funded under the "Science for Society II" programme, aimed to critically examine the experiences of individuals immersed in VR (virtual reality) and XR (extended reality).

Supported by Orange Polska, the residency provided the artists with the opportunity to test the Orange Business Metaverse environment at the Orange 5GLab and access cutting-edge VR technology, including Oculus Meta Quest Pro headsets.

Aligned with the Perebel method, the team addressed challenges identified by professionals from the business and institutional sectors. This particular project focused on the optimal use of VR/XR as a marketing tool and an educational platform to discuss emerging technologies such as Smart Cities and 5G Campus Networks.

The insights gained from the Orange Business Metaverse led to the creation of a prototype (MVP – minimum viable product) solution, which will be showcased during the event.


Artists-in-Residence: Anna Kamińska, Agata Jędrzejczak, Zuzanna Kasprzyk
Method Creators and Workshop Facilitators: Dr Tomasz Ciesielski, Dr Błażej Filanowski
Team Expert: dr hab. Artur Modliński, University of Lodz
Expert Consultants: Andrzej Urbańczyk, Katarzyna Osuchowska, Mikołaj Doliński (Orange Polska), Dr Andrzej Molenda, and Jacek Nałgowski (Visual Narratives Laboratory, Film School in Łódź – vnLAB).
Join us for an engaging exploration of the intersection of art, technology and critical research.

Event Organised by:

The University of Lodz Foundation (Project Operator), University of Lodz, Department of Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Lodz, Factory of Urban Activity in Łódź, Foundation Teatr Nowszy.

Obraz zawierający zrzut ekranu, Grafika, symbol, projekt graficzny Opis wygenerowany automatycznie

This project is funded by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science under the Science for Society II programme.

Obraz zawierający Grafika, Czcionka, diagram, projekt graficzny Opis wygenerowany automatycznie

The task Performative Research in Response to Civilizational Challenges is co-financed by the budget of the City of Łódź.

Partner (technology): Orange Poland

Obraz zawierający tekst, logo, krąg, Czcionka Opis wygenerowany automatycznie

Project Partner: Academic Center for Artistic Initiatives in Łódź - AOIA.


Data i godziny: 12 December 2024 (Thursday) 17:00 - 19:00