• Pierwsze w Europie ćwiczenia z użyciem broni chemicznej w hotelach ATIRAM

Pierwsze w Europie ćwiczenia z użyciem broni chemicznej w hotelach ATIRAM

The first-ever simulation of a chemical attack in a hotel space took place in Europe at the ATIRAM Arenas on Carrer del Capità in Barcelona on Wednesday 14 January of the current year. The exercise is a part of the European HOTHREAT project, which aims to increase the security of hotels and conference centres in the context of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) threats.

Who took part in the event?

This large-scale event was attended by the Catalan Services: Mossos d'Esquadra, Guàrdia Urbana, Medical Rescue Service, Civil Defence, employees of the ATIRAM hotel chain, as well as representatives of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz – the Biohazard Prevention Centre, acting as the project coordinator at the European level.

Prof. dr hab. Michał Bijak, Head of the Biohazard Prevention Centre at the University of Lodz, emphasised that the exercises were a complete success and the cooperation between all services was exemplary.

What was the exercise scenario?

The simulation presented a situation in which a dangerous chemical substance is released from a backpack left outside the guest room during a VIP's visit. The hotel staff's task was to quickly identify the threat, secure and evacuate the VIP and other people in the facility. Subsequent actions included informing the services, which, upon arrival at the scene, secured the area, conducted reconnaissance and measurements, and carried out procedures related to the evacuation and securing of the injured.

It should be mentioned that the role of the VIP was played by Joan Gaspart – President of the FC Barcelona football club in the years 2000-2003, currently President of the Management Board of the HUSA Hotel Group.

Why are these exercises so important?

Public spaces such as hotels and conference centres are particularly vulnerable to this type of threat due to their easy accessibility as well as high turnover of visitors. The aim of the project is to prepare the staff of such facilities to react quickly and effectively in the event of a CBRN threat.

We don't encounter these types of threats every day, but the importance of exercises for increasing safety in public places is invaluable.

The importance of this event is also evidenced by information that appeared in the Spanish media, such as:

The HOTHREAT project is co-financed by the European Union's Internal Security Fund.
Agreement number: 101100555 — HOTHREAT.

The project coordinator

The first-ever simulation of a chemical attack in a hotel space

Source: The Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection Promotion Centre, University of Lodz