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  • Z Filologa do branży filmowej. Absolwentka Instytutu Romanistyki pomagała przy produkcji serialu „Lampart”

Z Filologa do branży filmowej. Absolwentka Instytutu Romanistyki pomagała przy produkcji serialu „Lampart”

Netflix premiered the series "The Leopard," directed by Tom Shankland in cooperation with Laura Luchetti and Giuseppe Capotondi on 5 March of the current year. Starring Kim Rossi Stuart, Deva Cassel, Saul Nanni, and Benedetta Porcaroli, it is the second adaptation of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa's famous novel after Luchino Visconti's 1963 film version.

Dr Aleksandra Makowska-Ferenc
Official poster of the series

We mention it not only because a great classic of Italian literature has been filmed, but also because Dr Aleksandra Makowska-Ferenc, a graduate of the Institute of Romance Studies, an Italianist and a linguist, has worked on its production!

Dr Makowska-Ferenc occasionally collaborates with the Italian film industry. On the set of "The Leopard" she was responsible for historical research during the pre-production phase. During filming, she co-created floral arrangements and was responsible for presenting elements of the scenography, such as table settings, food and related decorations, in accordance with the realities of the period being presented.

The significance of her task is emphasised by the fact that the action of "The Leopard" takes place in the refined interiors of the Salina Palace and other locations associated with Sicilian aristocratic families – the series trailer already shows how important the elements developed by our graduate were in reproducing the world presented in the book:

We would like to offer congratulations to Dr Aleksandra Makowska-Ferenc on the excellent results of her work and encourage everyone to watch the series!