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  • Monografia przygotowana przez slawistów i italianistów z UŁ wyróżniona w konkursie im. prof. Jerzego Skowronka

Monografia przygotowana przez slawistów i italianistów z UŁ wyróżniona w konkursie im. prof. Jerzego Skowronka

During this year's Historic Book Fair, the best publications in the field of history and archival science were selected. We are happy to announce that among the distinguished works there is a book whose publication in Polish was contributed to by the staff of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz.

The distinguished monograph "Słowianie. Historia, kultury i języki" [Slavs. History, cultures and languages] by Prof. Marcello Garzaniti, a Slavicist from the University of Florence, was published by the Lodz University Press thanks to the cooperation of experts in Slavic and Italian studies from the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz. Prof. Zofia Brzozowska and Dr Piotr Kręzel from the Department of Slavic Philology as well as Dr Jan Mikołaj Wolski (Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe Ceraneum) were responsible for the scientific editing. The translation from Italian was made by Dr Justyna Groblińska, Dr Aleksandra Makowska-Ferenc and Dr Katarzyna Kowalik, associated with the Institute of Romance Studies. Prof. dr hab. Gueorgui Mintchev and Prof. Artur Gałkowski were the initiators and coordinators of the publication of the Polish translation of the monograph by the famous Italian Slavicist.

Professor Jerzy Skowronek Award is granted for scientific publications in the field of history and archival studies, including the history and cultural history of Central and South-Eastern Europe. The Award is organised by "Magazyn Literacki KSIĄŻKI" and the Board of the Association of Authors and Publishers Copyright Polska.

We would like to offer our congratulations to all those involved in the publication of the book!