Nowi Ambasadorzy #UniLodz wybrani

Call for the fourth edition of the #UniLodz Ambassador programme has come to an end. Several dozen great candidates took part in it, from which the final six were selected. Over the next few months, you will be able to meet #UniLodz Ambassadors wherever there is something interesting going on – at events, on social media or on the occasion of interesting initiatives.

#UniLodz Ambassador is a programme addressed to the University of Lodz students who want to take an active part in the university life. Thanks to them, the academic community knows what's going on at the university, learns about interesting initiatives and builds increasingly stronger bonds. During the programme, ambassadors gain new experiences in the field of PR, social media and event management. They also receive remuneration for their work.

The #UniLodz Ambassadors in the 4th edition of the programme are:

  • Kamila Pruk from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology  
  • Julia Nowocień from the Faculty of Philology 
  • Jerzy Gałęziewski from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science  
  • Julia Szczecińska from the Faculty of Management 
  • Tomasz Mosiołek from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology  
  • Karolina Kołacz from the Faculty of Philology

Get to know them better

My name is Kamila Pruk and I am a 3rd year student of Finance and International Business at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology. I was active in the student science club for 1.5 years, and since the second year of the studies I have been the President of the Students' Government Council and an EY Ambassador. This summer I also went to Summer School in Ecuador. 2 weeks spent on the other side of the world in a country which is so different, diverse, full of music and beautiful nature was a dream come true. Privately, as far as my interests are concerned, music has always been with me and it's something that gives me the most joy. In the future I will definitely study psychology, have a dog and travel round the world.

A portrait photo of Kamila Pruk – a young woman wearing black clothes

Hi! My name is Julia and I am a 4th year student of Romance Philology at the Faculty of Philology. My academic interests include ancient culture and my passion is traveling. I love working with people and I am not afraid of challenges.

Julia Nowocień – UniLodz ambassador dressed in black

My name is Tomek and I am a 3rd year student of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology. I am interested in almost everything – there is no point in limiting yourself in such a large and rich world.

Tomasz Mosiołek – UniLodz Ambassador – a young man dressed in black

Hi! My name is Jula and I am a 3rd year student of Human Resources Management. I am active in the Personalni Student Science Club at the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz. Apart from studying, I work with children as a mental arithmetic trainer (yes, it is quite an unusual choice, but I really like it!). I am passionate about music, without it a day would be wasted. Another thing I love is running workshops. The opportunity to pass on my knowledge and work with people is very valuable to me. The topic of the brain runs through my entire education and due to such a coincidence I became interested in how it works and how to learn quickly and easily.

Julia Szczecińska - Ambasadorka UniLodz - młoda kobieta ubrana na czarno

Hi! My name is Jurek and I am a 3rd year student of Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Lodz. In my free time, I like to do sports, play on the computer and spend time with friends. My passion is board games, I have a really large collection of them. In the future, I want to become a maths teacher.

Jerzy Gałęziewski – UniLodz Ambassador – a young man dressed in black

Hi! I’m Karolina and I study Information in the Digital Environment at the Faculty of Philology. I am passionate about everything related to all kinds of media. As I am a chatter box, I love contact with people. In my life, in various ways, I try to combine these two aspects.

Karolina Kołacz – UniLodz Ambassador – a young woman with dark long hair dressed in black

Source: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: Bartosz Kałużny (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)