Logopedka z UŁ wybrana przewodniczącą-elektką ICA

Dr Monika Kaźmierczak from the Department of Polish Dialectology and Logopaedics at the faculty of Philology, University of Lodz has been elected by the international community of speech therapists to the position of Chair-Elect of the Executive Committee of the International Cluttering Association.

Executive Committee of the ICA

As the Chair-elect of the ICA Executive Committee, she is the only Polish woman on the board of the International Clutter Association (ICA) and the first Polish speech therapist in this position. Congratulations!

Dr Monika Kaźmierczak is a well-known researcher focused on cluttering i.e., disorganised speech, in Poland and around the world, and an active populariser of knowledge about this fluency disorder. She is the author of scientific publications on the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of cluttering, and since 2021 she has also been running the GRUPA G (jak GIEŁKOT) on Facebook – for anyone who wants to learn more about the issues of cluttering, cluttering with stuttering, and stuttering with accompanying cluttering.

Currently, the scientist from the University of Lodz Faculty of Philology is deepening her knowledge by studying the European Stuttering Specialisation.

Source: ICA 
Edit: Press Office, University of Lodz