Studentka filologii włoskiej reprezentantką UŁ na posiedzeniu w Brukseli

Zuzanna Kolbus, a student of Italian Philology, travelled to Brussels on 20 February of the current year as part of the ConSIMium programme – simulation workshops of the European Council and the Council of the European Union. Zuzanna was one of six people representing Poland at the international meeting.

Zuzanna Kolbus, a student of Italian Philology (Institute of Romance Studies, University of Lodz), took advantage of a unique opportunity to experience what negotiations between EU member states look like and how decisions are made at the European level.

Over the course of two days, the participants took part in simulations as national experts. As part of the ConSIMium programme the young student acted as a journalist.

The University of Lodz is the only Polish university represented by two delegates in this year's edition of the programme – in addition to Zuzanna Kolbus, a student of Law (Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz), Julia Maciejewska, also went to Brussels.

The aim of the project is to educate about the legislative processes in the European Union and the operation of its bodies. It is also a unique opportunity for participants to make international friends and to prove themselves as negotiators and lobbyists of national interest.