Projekt Science Hub UŁ WPiA z Many Mornings

On 14 March 2024, as part of the Science Hub project of the University of Lodz, a meeting was held between representatives of the Faculty of Law and Administration and Many Mornings – an entity known for the production of asymmetrical, colourful socks, for the benefit of which a competition project entitled "Nowe obowiązki przedsiębiorcy prowadzącego sprzedaż za pośrednictwem sklepu internetowego, wprowadzone poprzez implementację do polskiego porządku prawnego Dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2019/2161 – treść i sposób wdrożenia" [New obligations of entrepreneurs operating online, introduced through the implementation of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2019/2161 into the Polish legal order – content and method of implementation] was carried out.

Artur Chróścicki, a 5th-year law student, who is responsible for the implementation of the project, and Dr Mateusz Balcerzak (who supervised the project) met with the founders of the company – Maciej Butkowski and Adrian Morawiak, to help them properly implement the obligations resulting from the implementation of the Omnibus Directive into Polish law, such as providing information about the lowest price over the last 30 days, personalising prices and verifying customer reviews.

The Science Hub representatives from the Faculty of Law and Administration handled the task brilliantly and the Partners were pleased with the results!