„Transcendentalne” – debiut studentów dziennikarstwa!

The academic year 2024/2025 has begun with a bang for the members of the Student Science Club for Journalism! The first issue of the new, ambitious journal "Transcendentalne" has been published on the website of the Faculty of Philology. You can familiarise yourself with this debut today by downloading the digital version of the first issue, which the editors of the yearbook told us more about.

Student Science Club for Journalism

photo: Maciej Andrzejewski

First of all, dear Reader, I owe you a story…

Transcendentalny [Latin: Transcendentalis] – a transcendental experience, event, object, or idea is extremely special and unusual and cannot be understood in ordinary ways (Cambridge Dictionary).

The "Transcendentalne" magazine, which premiered in late September 2024, primarily covers issues related to the world of media, culture, and contemporary journalism. Members of the Student Science Club for Journalism, who have been working on the new magazine with dedication for several months, have created an original space to explore new areas of journalism and emphasise the diversity of perspectives.

About a year and a half ago I wanted to write a scientific or popular science article. Just for myself, to gain new experience. Shortly after that I joined the Student Science Club for Journalism. I presented my idea of creating a magazine for journalism students at the first meeting. I was happy when it was positively received, and we could start working!

– says Patryk Kapa, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Transcendentalne" and member of the Student Science Club for Journalism.


Cover of the magazine "Transcendentalne"

Artificial Intelligence, virtual states, and violence against female journalists

The first issue of the yearbook covers undoubtedly current problems. The main goal that guides the editors of "Transcendentalne" is to convey the essence of truth and to leave their own backyard. The young journalists, following in the footsteps of professional magazines, focused primarily on one topic. What topic?

I guess no one will be surprised if I say AI! I am an enthusiast of artificial intelligence myself. I use its help. I have people around me who help me understand how it works. It is good that young journalists are taking up the subject. I am glad that the articles are not biased, but above all explanatory and informative

– Aleksandra Kocik, editor of the magazine and a member of the Student Science Club for Journalism answers the quaestion. 

The editors of "Transcendentalny" carried out their mission through publishing eight articles devoted primarily to the hardships of a modern journalist, as well as broad social and cultural issues.

This issue will let you learn about countries you didn't know about and draw attention to the problem of violations against journalists. I won't reveal more, take a look and you won't regret it!

– encourages Ola.

Student Science Club for Journalism

Work on the magazine

The work in the editorial office of the magazine "Transcendentalne", although successful, was not easy. The students openly admit that they had to approach the task responsibly and seriously:

I was most afraid of undefined moments on the timeline – probably because I work best with a specific deadline. The moments of examination sessions and holidays actually turned out to be (almost!) deadly, then it was difficult to work regularly. But thanks to systematic meetings, we managed to control the editorial process

– explains Ola.

Despite this, the team of students rose to the challenge, carrying the project through from start to finish!

At some point the idea of creating a magazine absorbed us a lot. To such an extent so that we, as an editorial team, started meeting in addition to the meetings of the Science Club for Journalism. The idea of creating a magazine from scratch may have seemed difficult to implement a year ago. But we learned that if we really want something and strive for this goal, we will succeed

– recalls Patryk.

The journalism students worked on their magazine independently, but they could not have done it without the help of more experienced experts.

From here, I would like to thank the Magazine Supervisor, Dr Paulina Czarnek-Wnuk, for her support at every stage of creating the title. Thanks are also due to our entire team – without these people, you would not be able to read the first issue of "Transcedentalne"

– underlines Patryk.

The difficulties of publishing the first issue did not prevent the students from carrying out their ambitious mission, which the editors approached with a very positive attitude:

I think the greatest joy is reading the texts that are submitted. For me, it's like meeting new people online, but at a higher level of advancement. Different perspectives inspire and motivate me to be present "here and now". I am happy with the diversity of people in the editorial office, but also the authors of this year's issue. When a project becomes a point of reference for my reality, I know that it makes sense

– Ola shares her impressions.

Student Science Club for Journalism – practice for future journalists

Members of the Student Science Club for Journalism do not limit themselves to writing articles! Students from the faculty of Philology who are active in the Student Club have the opportunity to gain experience in, among others, organising events and social campaigns, preparing conferences, running social media or preparing report materials.

It's easy to join us, but harder to get rid of us [laughter]. This is where I met crazy and passionate people who I needed by my side so much. So, if you need to good energy and motivation, don't hesitate – this is your place!

– concludse Ola.

The most important initiatives of the DKN include the Letter Writing Marathon, held around the first week of December in cooperation with Amnesty International. As part of this campaign, members of the Club encourage students, employees and guests of the Faculty of Philology to write letters together to the authorities of countries that have wrongly convicted people representing civic attitudes. There is also no shortage of initiatives promoting reliable journalism, such as the Scientific Conference "Phenomena of propaganda and manipulation in the press, television, radio and the internet".