UniLodz razem przeciwko dyskryminacji, mobbingowi i innym zachowaniom niepożądanym

The University of Lodz is a diverse, constantly expanding community. UniLodz is almost 26,000 people studying in over 90 study programmes, including people studying at doctoral schools, candidates and those who have already completed their education at our university. It also includes almost 4,000 employees – scientists, academic teachers and people who are not non-researchers.

Despite being guided by values that assume respect for others and cooperation beyond one's own barriers, in such a large community, undesirable behaviours may occur.

Let's remember: University is not just a university, UniLodz is above all a community. Do you need help or support? We are here for you! At the University of Lodz there is no consent to any form of violence against people who make up our community. We oppose discrimination, mobbing and any violent behaviours.

Words alone are not enough

We believe that educating our community can prevent the occurrence of undesirable behaviours. Unfortunately, in some cases, these types of measures are not enough.

Therefore, in crisis situations, UniLodz offers an institutional form of support for people experiencing discriminatory behaviour, including harassment, mobbing and other violent behaviours that are unacceptable in the academic community. In January, we adopted a new anti-discrimination and anti-mobbing procedure at the University of Lodz.

The document defines the principles underpinning preventive and intervention measures to offset the effects of:

  • identified cases of violence in the work and study environment,
  • discrimination,
  • mobbing,
  • other undesirable behaviours,

as well as legal consequences for those violating the regulations. The procedure also indicates how to obtain assistance from the University of Lodz in the event of experiencing discrimination, mobbing or other undesirable behaviour.

What is mobbing, what is discrimination and how to recognize harassment? Information on how to recognize undesirable behaviour and how to prevent it can be found on our website in the WSPARCIE W UNILODZ tab.

Where to seek help?

If you are a person experiencing or witnessing discriminatory behaviour, including harassment, mobbing and other violent behaviour, remember: no one in our community is alone!

You’ll be provided with support by:

the Coordinator for combating discrimination, mobbing and other undesirable behaviours, who operates within the structures of the University of Lodz Support and Accessibility Centre.

The main task of the Coordinator is to implement the policy of counteracting and preventing undesirable phenomena at the university. This means that she:

  • receives reports from the academic community of behaviours that may bear signs of discrimination, mobbing or other undesirable behaviours, including sexual harassment,
  • assesses them and conducts an initial interview with the reporting person,
  • provides support,
  • coordinates the next steps of the proceedings – refers to mediation, to a committee or closes the case.

The Coordinator’s activities also include:

  • educating and building awareness of equal treatment in the workplace;
  • conducting educational and information campaigns in the field of counteracting discrimination and mobbing.

The Coordinator cooperates with the university authorities, ombudsmen for academic rights, trade unions and the University of Lodz Students' Government Council.

What is mobbing, what is discrimination and how to recognize harassment? Information on how to recognize undesirable behaviour and how to prevent it can be found on our website in the WSPARCIE W UNILODZ tab.

Do you have a problem and don't know who to contact? Check out our website: https://www.uni.lodz.pl/razem/do-kogo-sie-zglosic 

Support and Accessibility Centre

With the start of the new year, the Support and Accessibility Centre (formerly the Academic Support Centre) has also undergone significant changes. The basis of the Centre’s activity is to create a space of equal study opportunities for people with special needs at the University of Lodz. The University of Lodz Support and Accessibility Centre supports people applying for studies, studying and employed at the University of Lodz.

The UniLodz Support and Accessibility Centre provides support in the following areas:

  • equalising educational opportunities,
  • solving educational difficulties resulting from health and/or adaptive reasons,
  • mental health hygiene,
  • personal development,
  • prevention and therapy of addictions,
  • adaptation of the educational process to individual needs and possibilities,
  • prevention of discrimination, mobbing and other undesirable behaviours,
  • prevention of suicidal behaviours, crisis support,
  • supporting teaching staff in the area of work with students with special needs.

In addition to the Anti-Discrimination Coordinator, the Support and Accessibility Centre is also staffed by the Academic Ombudsman and the Rector’s Representative for People with Special Needs.

You can find all the information on our website: WSPARCIE W UNILODZ

Let's remember: University is not just a university, UniLodz is above all a community. Do you need help or support? We are here for you! At the University of Lodz there is no consent to any form of violence against people who make up our community. We oppose discrimination, mobbing, and any violent behaviours.