Zasady korzystania z systemów AI w procesie kształcenia i dyplomowania w UŁ

AI tools are increasingly used for preparing written works. However, this requires maintaining appropriate standards so that these works are creative and original and are also of appropriate quality. For this purpose, the University of Lodz has introduced principles of using artificial intelligence systems in the education and graduation processes.

The use of AI tools as support for a student, seminarian or doctoral student in the process of preparing written works is possible only after prior agreement with the instructor of the course or seminar and requires their consent. It is necessary to determine: the purpose, scope, and manner of using this technology in diploma theses, doctoral dissertations and term papers.

Written works of students, doctoral students, postgraduate students and participants in other forms of education may be randomly verified using artificial intelligence detectors.

The use of artificial intelligence systems during examinations and tests is prohibited, unless the instructions or content of the tasks justify their use and specify to what extent it is possible.

The Dean, in agreement with the relevant Faculty Commission for the Quality of Education, may establish detailed rules for the use of artificial intelligence systems in the education process for a specific study programme/s, taking into account the provisions of the Regulation. These rules must receive a positive recommendation from the Generative AI Team operating at the University of Lodz.

The above principles regarding written works prepared in the educational process are described in detail in the Regulation No. 106 of the Rector of the University of Lodz on the use of artificial intelligence systems in the education and graduation processes at the University of Lodz.


Source: Generative AI Team at the University of Lodz
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz