• Podsumowanie projektu NAWA Solidarni z Ukrainą na UŁ

Podsumowanie projektu NAWA Solidarni z Ukrainą na UŁ

The "UNIC for Ukraine" (UNIC4U) project, implemented at the University of Lodz by the International Hub as part of NAWA's successful application for support for Ukraine in the context of its involvement in the European Universities initiative, ended at the end of 2024. Its objective was to strengthen competences of the Ukrainian university community in the field of strategic partnerships and functioning in a multicultural environment. It was also to promote UNIC's activities and integration within the Alliance environment, as well as active cooperation and mutual involvement in various types of activities.

Ukrainian partner universities of the University of Lodz, with which the university has been cooperating in the field of mobility for many years have been invited to take part in the project. The two key events of the project were a training week (Staff Week) for academic and administrative staff entitled "UNIC: Where Ideas Unite" and a training week for students entitled "Students for Students Week". Additionally, 12 individual study visits to UNIC partner universities were carried out.

As part of the training week for employees of partner universities, sessions and workshops on strategic partnerships and the inclusion of modern methods in administrative work based on the Design Thinking method were held. Thematic meetings were also organised at faculties and with units of the Central Administration of the University of Lodz. On the last day, participants had the opportunity to learn about the nature of the University of Lodz Science Hub – a university-wide cooperation platform aimed at initiating and supporting the implementation of scientific student projects and diploma theses of an application nature, in cooperation with external entities.

The events were an opportunity to discuss the internationalisation of universities and the impact of cooperation within the Alliance on everyday practices of universities. Participants had the opportunity to get to know UNIC and better understand its mission and vision, while study visits were conducive to substantive discussions and building new international initiatives. Areas of potential cooperation were jointly analysed, key needs were identified and goals were set that will become the foundation of future joint initiatives.

The training week for students was attended by female students from Ukrainian universities and representatives of the UNIC Student Board. The fact that the event was based on sessions organised by the students themselves, on the exchange of experiences and integration, not education was certainly an innovation. The whole was complemented by sessions and workshops on intergenerational communication and cooperation between students and student organisations and the university. Participation in the training week allowed Ukrainian students to get inspired in the field of cooperation with the university administration. In turn, UNIC students met people studying in dangerous conditions and facing war every day, which was undoubtedly an invaluable experience.

The "UNIC for Ukraine" project was financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, contract number: BNI-UE-2023-16.

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Source: International Hub, University of Lodz
Edit: Press Office, University of Lodz
Photos: International Hub, University of Lodz